domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010

Teenagers From Outer Space (1959) REVIEW

Personally I think this is the best film of the "Sci-Fi Classics" (50 Movie Pack).

A group of aliens land in the desert and then they want to destroy  Earth with a monster (a fucking Lobster!) then one of the members refuse to destroy earth so he escapes and then he makes friends with a girl and he's Dad. Later the aliens discover that his friend is the son of their Boss and then one of the members goes to find the missing member of the group...

This movie has a good reputation because it is entertainment as hell!

The first time I watched it I  wanted to watch it twice. But it still a  super low budget Underground B-movie, This is the perfect example of the expression "So Bad Its Good".

This is another public-domain movie so you can find it for free in the internet. I totally recommend this movie for B-movie fans.
